
Undefeatd Kids (6 - 12)

In these classes there will be a variety of abilities based on age and natural ability. This is recognised and catered for.Students will work through a range of sash colours including:
White sash - Green sash - Blue Sash - Orange Sash - Brown Sash - Purple Sash - Black Sash Students are eligible to receive a new sash at the end of Term 2 and Term 4 through a Show Your Skill Day.

Embark on the thrilling journey to the coveted black sash with our dynamic Wing Chun Kung Fu program! Elevate focus, concentration, self-discipline, reflexes, and anti-bullying tactics. Forge lasting friendships with like-minded peers while gaining skills that extend beyond the studio, enhancing both home and school life. Unleash agility, coordination, speed, and flexibility in each exhilarating class, and empower your child with the skills they need to conquer life's challenges.


Get fit, learn self defence and have fun!  Don’t regret not coming along.  Join us for a 10 week block or just come along for a casual class!

The Tasmanian branch of Cheung’s Martial Arts Academy/Traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu Association.