Undefeatd 2024 timetable

2024 timetable

Annual Membership:
Adults $60 per year
Kids $44 per year
Family $150 year

Kids Classes – paid upfront for the term
1 class per week - $18 per week
2 classes per week - $28 per week
unlimited classes per week - $35 per week

Adults Classes – paid upfront for the term
1 class per week - $19 per week
2 classes per week - $30 per week

Family discount – 3rd person trains half price

Casual class $25 – membership must also be paid

N.B If you join part way through the term payment is made pro rata (depending on the number of lessons remaining in the term). Normally there are 10 weeks each term.
Payment to be made via credit card at the front desk, cash or direct deposit

School Holiday programs are available.


Get fit, learn self defence and have fun!  Don’t regret not coming along.  Join us for a 10 week block or just come along for a casual class!

The Tasmanian branch of Cheung’s Martial Arts Academy/Traditional Wing Chun Kung Fu Association.