Undefeatd school group
School Groups & Self Defence Courses

Learn self-defence and valuable life skills. Gain confidence and fitness.

Undefeatd Teens 12 – 15

Learn Wing Chun Kung Fu and build confidence and resilience.

undefeatd school holiday program
School Holiday Program

Instructor | Nicola Francis

School holidays are about having fun! Build confidence, focus and fitness.

Undefeatd Kids (5 – 7)

Instructor | Nicola Francis

Fun and rewarding, medal reward system, black sash journey

Undefeatd Kids (6 – 12)

Instructor | Nicola Francis

Journey to black sash. Increase speed and flexibility. Make new friends.


Instructor | Nicola Francis

Stronger – faster – fitter
Pink belt scholarships


Get fit, learn self defence and have fun!  Don’t regret not coming along.  Join us for a 10 week block or just come along for a casual class!